My Brand Builder Blueprint Course


My Brand Builder Blueprint Course -Self Paced

Elevate your leadership and influence with the My Brand Builder Blueprint Course.

Perfect for executives and leaders, this comprehensive framework guides you through the process of crafting a personal brand that commands respect, drives influence, and positions you as a thought leader.

Strategically build and refine your brand with expert guidance, ensuring you’re always at the forefront of your industry.

Exclusive Features and Benefits

1. Live 1-1 Kick Off Video Call
Start your journey with a personal touch. Connect directly with Marc Maley in a live, 1-1 video call to set the stage for your brand-building adventure.

  • Features: Engage in a personalised, one-on-one video call with Marc Maley, where you'll receive tailored advice, strategic insights, and a conversation about your unique branding needs.
  • Benefits: Develop a clear, customised roadmap to build your personal brand with the confidence of knowing you have expert guidance to avoid common pitfalls and make impactful progress right from the start.

2. 10 Comprehensive Modules
Delve into Strategic Branding Techniques Tailored for Leaders and Executives

  • Features: Ten expertly crafted modules covering every aspect of personal branding, from defining your unique positioning to developing a robust content strategy.
  • Benefits: Gain a deep understanding of proven branding techniques tailored specifically for executives and leaders, enabling you to create a powerful, authentic personal brand that stands out in your industry.

3. Custom Video Content
Personalised Insights from Industry Experts to Guide Your Branding Journey

  • Features: A collection of high-quality, custom videos featuring insights and guidance, including real-world examples and actionable strategies.
  • Benefits: Learn directly from an experienced professional who has successfully built and managed leading brands. Apply these insights to your own journey, gaining clarity and confidence in developing a compelling personal brand.

4. Executive Worksheets
Tailored Worksheets Designed to Align Your Personal Brand with Your Leadership Goals

  • Features: A series of executive-focused worksheets that prompt reflection, strategy development, and goal-setting exercises specific to your personal and professional growth.
  • Benefits: Stay organised and focused on your brand-building goals with targeted exercises that help you align your personal brand with your leadership aspirations, ensuring every step you take is strategically aligned with your career path.

5. Leadership Brand Blueprint
A Strategic Blueprint to Elevate and Refine Your Brand as You Grow in Your Career

  • Features: A detailed, step-by-step blueprint for crafting and refining your leadership brand, including actionable strategies and checklists to guide your progress.
  • Benefits: Establish a clear roadmap for your brand's growth, positioning yourself as a thought leader in your field. The blueprint helps you maintain focus and direction, enabling you to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving professional landscape.

Each element of the course is designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence needed to build a compelling personal brand that positions you as a leader in your field. Dive into these features to unlock your potential and accelerate your career growth.

Exclusive Bonuses to Maximise Your Success

Unlock even more value with our hand-picked collection of exclusive bonuses, designed to accelerate your growth and amplify your impact. Each bonus is tailored to provide you with actionable tools, expert insights, and strategic guidance to take your personal brand to the next level. Dive into these powerful resources and set yourself up for lasting success in your career and beyond!


My Brand Builder Blueprint Course Waitlists

At My Brand, we intentionally limit our course enrollments because we believe in delivering an experience that truly sets you apart. We don’t want to dilute the value of our courses—if everyone takes them, you won't gain the unique edge you need to differentiate yourself from your peers, plus Marc Maley personally gives individual video kick off calls with each Brand Builder Blueprint Course member.


Next Course Enrolment Ends In:









Total Value: $6,999

Value of supercharging your career potential and lifetime earnings: Priceless

Special Price Offer


One Upfront Payment



Special Value Offer


Spread Over 3 Monthly Payments - $433 x 3 Payment ($1,299)


Want To Take It Step by Step?

Try our Starter Course Module - Identify and Understand Your Kryptonite


Most people start by identifying their superpowers—their strengths and talents. While this is important, it shouldn't be the starting point. Instead, begin by identifying your Kryptonites.

By understanding what you don't want to do, you can pave the way for a more authentic and fulfilling brand strategy. Unlock your potential by starting with what holds you back.

Start your journey by uncovering the hidden obstacles that hold you back. This module helps you identify the tasks, habits, or patterns that drain your energy and keep you from reaching your full potential, allowing you to focus on what truly drives your growth.

  • Features: In-depth exercises to pinpoint the specific activities and behaviours that hinder your progress.
  • Benefits: Gain clarity on what limits you, empowering you to eliminate obstacles and focus on your strengths for a more authentic and fulfilling personal brand strategy.

SIGN UP NOW to access our Starter Course Module and begin your journey towards a powerful, authentic personal brand.

Special Offer Starter Module Price: $99


Our Guarantee: Building Trust Together

We're committed to your success and want you to feel confident in your investment. That’s why we encourage all academy members to begin with our STARTER COURSE MODULE before moving on to any of our full courses.

And here’s our promise: when you’re ready to take the next step, we’ll give you a coupon code for $99, fully crediting your starter module cost toward the full course. It's our way of building trust and ensuring that you get the most out of your journey with us!

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