Forget Superpowers. Identify And Understand Your Kryptonite!



Most people start by identifying their superpowers—their strengths and talents. While this is important, it shouldn't be the starting point. Instead, begin by identifying your Kryptonites.

By understanding what you don't want to do, you can pave the way for a more authentic and fulfilling brand strategy. Unlock your potential by starting with what holds you back.

Start your journey by uncovering the hidden obstacles that hold you back. This module helps you identify the tasks, habits, or patterns that drain your energy and keep you from reaching your full potential, allowing you to focus on what truly drives your growth.

  • Features: In-depth exercises to pinpoint the specific activities and behaviours that hinder your progress.
  • Benefits: Gain clarity on what limits you, empowering you to eliminate obstacles and focus on your strengths for a more authentic and fulfilling personal brand strategy.

SIGN UP NOW to access our Starter Course Module and begin your journey towards a powerful, authentic personal brand.

Special Offer Starter Module Price: $99


Our Guarantee: Building Trust Together

We're committed to your success and want you to feel confident in your investment. That’s why we encourage all academy members to begin with our STARTER COURSE MODULE before moving on to any of our full courses.

And here’s our promise: when you’re ready to take the next step, we’ll give you a coupon code for $99, fully crediting your starter module cost toward the full course. It's our way of building trust and ensuring that you get the most out of your journey with us!

Start Module Now

The My Brand Courses

Obtain 20+ Years of Expertise in Just 20 Days!


Two Paths, One Goal: Your Success


Our methodology is a step-by-step framework that includes detailed worksheets and pre-recorded videos that meticulously cover each aspect of personal branding, providing you with the resources and guidance needed to build and refine your unique brand identity.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your existing personal brand, our tiered offering caters to all levels.

Don’t let your potential remain untapped. Sign up to My Brand today.

My Brand Career Catalyst Course - Self Paced

Jumpstart your career with our Career Catalyst Course. This program is designed for graduates and early-career professionals who are ready to take control of their career trajectory. Learn how to build a personal brand that opens doors and accelerates your path to success.

Master the essentials of personal branding, from defining your unique value to creating a LinkedIn profile that shines you in the best light.

The My Brand Career Catalyst Course includes:

1. 8 High-Impact Modules
Dive Deep into Personal Branding Essentials Designed to Accelerate Your Career Growth

2. Exclusive Video Content
Engage with Videos That Break Down Complex Concepts into Actionable Steps

3. Actionable Worksheets
Practical Worksheets That Guide You in Creating Your Personal Brand Strategy

+ Exclusive Bonuses to Maximise Your Success!
Learn More

My Brand Builder Blueprint Course - Self Paced

Elevate your leadership and influence with the My Brand Builder Blueprint Course. Perfect for executives and leaders, this comprehensive framework guides you through the process of crafting a personal brand that commands respect, drives influence, and positions you as a thought leader.

Strategically build and refine your brand with expert guidance, ensuring you’re always at the forefront of your industry.

The My Brand Builder Blueprint Course includes:

1. Live 1-1 Kick Off Video Call
Start your journey with a personal touch. Connect directly with Marc Maley in a live, 1-1 video call to set the stage for your brand-building adventure.

2. 8 High-Impact Modules
Dive Deep into Personal Branding Essentials Designed to Accelerate Your Career Growth

3. Exclusive Video Content
Engage with Videos That Break Down Complex Concepts into Actionable Steps

4. Actionable Worksheets
Practical Worksheets That Guide You in Creating Your Personal Brand Strategy

+ Exclusive Bonuses to Maximise Your Success!
Learn More